The first broadcasting of CBS’s “Meet Corliss Archer” (with Campbell’s Soup as their sponsor) was April 28, 1946. “Meet Corliss Archer” (CBS’s version of NBC’s popular teenage program, “A Date With Judy”) was yet another program created to entice the younger (teenage) generation to leave extra-curricular activities far behind and hang out, instead, around the family radio.
In 1948, Corliss moved from CBS radio to NBC radio, as a summer replacement for “The Bob Hope Show.” During that same year, Corliss Archer became a comic book character, when ‘Fox Feature Syndicate,’ with the aid of the artwork of Al Feldstein (Al later became the editor of MAD Magazine), published 3 comic book issues (March 1948-July 1948) with Corliss’ fictional face & name on it.
From October 03, 1952 to June 26, 1953, she aired on ABC radio, eventually returning to CBS. Despite the program’s long run, less than 24 episodes are known to exist.
Includes 12 Episodes On An MP3 CD-R!
Meet Corliss Archer 460811 – Ideal Babysitters.mp3
Meet Corliss Archer 470406 – The Beauty Contest.mp3
Meet Corliss Archer 500409 – Mr Archers New Suit Given To The Salvation Army.mp3
Meet Corliss Archer 560916 – Dexter The Lawyer.mp3
Meet Corliss Archer xxxxxx – Corliss See Romeo and Juliet.mp3
Meet Corliss Archer xxxxxx – Corliss The Writer.mp3
Meet Corliss Archer xxxxxx – Dexter Sees Corliss Going out with Jerry Allen.mp3
Meet Corliss Archer xxxxxx – Dexters Life Insurance Policy.mp3
Meet Corliss Archer xxxxxx – Dexters Rival.mp3
Meet Corliss Archer xxxxxx – Family Feud.mp3
Meet Corliss Archer xxxxxx – Visiting New York City.mp3
Meet Corliss Archer xxxxxx – Who Bought The Lawnmower.mp3
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