The Adventures of Father Brown is a 1945 radio crime drama that aired on the Mutual Broadcasting System, adapted from G. K. Chesterton's stories of Father Brown.
The 30-minute detective series starred Karl Swenson as Father Brown, introduced as "the best loved detective of them all." (Original plans called for "either Walter Huston or Spencer Tracy in the title role.") Bill Griffis portrayed Flambeau, and Gretchen Douglas was heard as Nora, the rectory housekeeper. The program was broadcast Sundays at 5 p.m. on Mutual from June 10, 1945, to July 29, 1945.
From 1984 to 1986, Andrew Sachs starred as Father Brown in a BBC Radio series based on the G.K. Chesterton stories.
The Father Brown Episodes On CD are available here.