Life Of Riley OTR Old Time Radio Show MP3 On DVD 252 Episodes
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Life Of Riley OTR Old Time Radio Show MP3 On DVD 252 Episodes
The Life of Riley was an American situation old time radio show, co-developed by the non-performing Marx Brother, Gummo, that appeared on both radio and television in the 1940s and 1950s and helped introduce the so-called "nuclear family" to American broadcasting.
The radio version, starring William Bendix, debuted on ABC in 1944; the following year it moved to NBC, where it ran until 1951. Later, the show was adapted for television, with two different versions having been produced.
Includes 252 Episodes!
Episodes On This DVD:
00.00.00 Haunted House.mp3
00.00.00 Leaking Roof.mp3
00.00.00 Lecture.mp3
00.00.00 New House Plans.mp3
00.00.00 Riley Visits A Haunted House.mp3
00.00.00 Roswell Ad5.mp3
00.00.00 Sisterengagedtoagambler.mp3
44.01.30 Ep003 Thebutlerpt2.mp3
44.09.24 Ep037 Jealous(Warbulletin).mp3
44.10.08 Ep039 Muley'ssurprisepartyforriley.mp3
44.10.22 Ep041 Boss'sson - In - Law.mp3
44.10.29 Ep042 Halloweenhauntedhouse.mp3
44.11.05 Ep043 Pianolessonsforjunior.mp3
44.11.12 Ep044 Bigfootballbet.mp3
44.11.19 Ep045 Turkeyhunt.mp3
44.11.26 Ep046 Bridesmaidbabs.mp3
44.12.03 Ep047 Mostpopularboy.mp3
44.12.17 Ep049 Specialchristmaspresent.mp3
45.01.07 Silver Gloves Boxing Tournament.mp3
45.01.14 Ep052 Thewatch.mp3
45.01.21 Ep054 Riley'sconsciencebothershim.mp3
45.02.25 Englishtest.mp3
45.03.04 Ep060 Expectantfathers.mp3
45.03.18 Ep062 Rileytriestobecomeapaltojunior.mp3
45.03.25 Ep063 Missingfivedollars.mp3
45.05.13 Ep069 Riley'smother - In - Lawvisits.mp3
45.09.08 Ep077 Lay - Offs.mp3
45.09.15 Ep078 Feudwithnewneighboroverjunior'sgoat.mp3
45.09.22 Ep079 Juniorquitsschool.mp3
45.10.20 Ep083 Peg'soldboyfriendhouseguest.mp3
45.11.24 Ep088 Babsandsimonmarried.mp3
45.12.01 Ep089 Bplalodgeelection.mp3
45.12.08 Ep090 Jobpromotionexam.mp3
45.12.15 Ep091 Grandma'sboyfriendcaptainriley.mp3
46.03.16 Ep104 Rileybuysinsurancepolicy.mp3
46.04.06 Ep107 Rileyfindsfurcoat.mp3
46.04.13 Ep108 Breadshortage.mp3
46.04.20 Ep109 Gianteasterbunny.mp3
46.04.27 Ep110 Gamblingdoesn'tpay.mp3
46.05.04 Ep111 Rileystakeinthegillises.mp3
46.05.11 Ep112 Juniorforgetsmother'sday.mp3
46.05.25 Ep114 Juniorsellspeanutsatthecircus.mp3
46.06.01 Ep115 Shoplifter.mp3
46.06.08 Ep116 Thebreadshortageandtheblackmarket.mp3
46.06.15 Ep117 Newsuitforfather'sday.mp3
46.09.07 Ep121 Thepaperroutecontest.mp3
46.09.14 Ep122 Peg'sjob.mp3
46.09.21 Ep123 Rileyhidesonboat.mp3
46.10.05 Ep125 Goodneighborweek.mp3
46.10.19 Ep127 Rileysuesbuscompany.mp3
46.10.26 Ep128 Jobinsouthamerica.mp3
46.11.09 Ep130 Campingtrip.mp3
46.11.23 Ep132 Footballheroforthenightclub.mp3
46.11.30 Ep133 Medicaladvicefromhorsedoctor.mp3
46.12.24 Lifeofriley Christmas.mp3
47.01.11 Ep139 Efficiencyexpert.mp3
47.01.18 Ep140 Rileysimonbusinesspartners.mp3
47.01.25 Ep141 Riley'shoneymoon.mp3
47.02.01 Ep142 Rileyswitchedatbirth.mp3
47.02.08 Ep143 Riley'sbirthdayforgotten.mp3
47.03.15 Ep148 Simonwritesforthenewspaper.mp3
47.03.22 Ep149 Rileythemilkman.mp3
47.03.29 Ep150 Newchairman.mp3
47.04.05 Ep151 Rileythechildbeater.mp3
47.04.12 Ep152 Marriagedoubts.mp3
47.04.19 Ep153 Mysteryfight.mp3
47.04.26 Ep154 Waiterblackmailsriley.mp3
47.05.03 Ep155 Launchingbabsintosociety.mp3
47.05.10 Ep156 Mother'sdayspeech.mp3
47.05.31 Ep159 Accidentinsurancepolicy.mp3
47.06.07 Ep160 Rileycourtspegatsummercamp.mp3
47.06.14 Ep161 Soapboxderby.mp3
47.09.06 Ep165 Rileyenrolls.mp3
47.09.20 Ep167 Juniorwantstorunaway.mp3
47.09.27 Ep168 Venuswitharadioinherstomach.mp3
47.10.04 Ep169 Rileygetsapromotion.mp3
47.10.11 Ep170 Rileythecop.mp3
47.10.18 Ep171 Thecommunitychestdrive.mp3
47.10.25 Ep172 Theragamuffinball.mp3
47.11.01 Picking Football Team.mp3
47.11.08 Ep174 Junior&Babsputonanniversaryparty.mp3
47.11.15 Ep175 Rileyinschoolplay.mp3
47.11.29 Ep177 Foreman'sjob.mp3
47.12.06 Ep178 Greatestmaniknow.mp3
47.12.13 Ep179 Babsisblackballedatsorority.mp3
47.12.20 Ep180 Firstchristmasinstorewindow.mp3
47.12.27 Ep181 Familychristmaspresent.mp3
48.01.03 Ep182 Rileygetsjuniortwodates.mp3
48.01.10 Ep183 Women'sequalrights.mp3
48.01.17 Ep184 Telephoneisrationed.mp3
48.01.24 Babs Quits School.mp3
48.01.31 Uncle Baxter Moves In.mp3
48.02.07 Father And Son Banquet.mp3
48.02.21 Tells Peg A Lie.mp3
48.02.28 Babs' Sweet 16 Birthday.mp3
48.03.06 Ep191 Rileypuncheshisforeman.mp3
48.03.20 Ep193 Suggestioncontest.mp3
48.03.27 Ep194 Gianteasterbunnyfertilizer.mp3
48.04.03 Ep195 Juveniledelinquency.mp3
48.04.10 Ep196 Pegstudiesfrench.mp3
48.04.17 Ep197 Drive.mp3
48.05.01 Ep199 Baseballuniform.mp3
48.05.08 Ep200 Mother'sdaypresentexplained.mp3
48.05.15 Ep201 Rileymanofdistinction.mp3
48.06.12 Ep205 Bab'sgraduation.mp3
48.06.19 Ep206 Father'sdaybathrobes.mp3
48.06.26 Ep207 Vacationonprisonfarm.mp3
48.09.03 Ep209 Rileymeetsclemkadiddlehopper.mp3
48.09.10 Ep210 Thehouseholddrudge.mp3
48.10.08 How To Pick A Mate.mp3
48.10.15 Ep215 Rileycampaigns.mp3
48.10.22 Ep216 Problemchild.mp3
48.11.05 Ep218 Comicbooks.mp3
48.11.12 Ep219 Riley'stonsilectomy.mp3
48.11.26 Ep220 Bab'selderlyboyfriend.mp3
48.12.03 Ep222 Tryingtogetfootballtickets.mp3
48.12.10 Ep223 Riley'sjiltedsistervisits.mp3
49.01.07 Ep227 Rileycoachesjunior'steam.mp3
49.01.28 Ep230 Quieteveningbythefireside.mp3
49.02.04 Ep231 Rileytalksinhissleepaboutgertrude.mp3
49.02.11 Ep232 Babselopessellscardswithsimon.mp3
49.02.18 Ep233 Avalentine'sdaylocketfrommonihan.mp3
49.03.04 Ep235 Therileysareguestsofuniversal.mp3
49.03.11 Ep236 Thewirerecorder.mp3
49.04.01 Ep239 Rileywon'tletpeghelp.mp3
49.04.22 Ep242 Juniortakestheblameforriley.mp3
49.04.29 Ep243 Rileygoestowar.mp3
49.04.29 Riley Is Fired.mp3
49.05.06 Ep244 Babsleaveshome.mp3
49.05.13 Ep245 Gillisandrileyarelonely.mp3
49.05.20 Ep246 Juniorhashisowndeliverybusiness.mp3
49.05.27 Ep247 Junior&Egbertleaveforcamp.mp3
49.10.14 Ep249 Thegeigercounter.mp3
49.10.21 Ep250 Thepolicemanboarder.mp3
49.10.28 Ep251 Televisionsetona10dayfreetrial.mp3
49.11.04 Ep252 Theexpectantfather.mp3
49.11.11 Community Chest Drive.mp3
49.11.18 Ep254 Theescortbureau.mp3
49.12.02 Ep256 Rileythebookie.mp3
49.12.09 Babs And The Stevenson's.mp3
49.12.23 Ep259 Christmasclub.mp3
49.12.30 Ep260 Rileydrivescab.mp3
50.01.27 Ep264 Juniorisinlove.mp3
50.02.17 Ep267 Rileyquits.mp3
50.03.03 Ep269 Rileybecomesanactorontv.mp3
50.03.03 Riley Becomes An Actor On Tv.mp3
50.03.31 The Politeness Story.mp3
50.10.13 Ep288 Trafficcourt.mp3
50.10.20 Ep289 Collectionagency.mp3
50.11.03 Ep291 Babs'elopement.mp3
50.11.17 Ep293 Riley'sfirstdateflashback.mp3
50.11.24 Ep294 Studentriot.mp3
50.12.01 Ep295 Troubleswithnewforeman.mp3
50.12.08 Thelawnmowercompany.mp3
50.12.15 Ep297 Peggoestowork.mp3
50.12.22 Ep298 Babybabsisallergictoriley.mp3
51.01.05 Ep300 Peg'sfathervisits.mp3
51.01.12 Ep301 Anniversarytiff.mp3
51.01.19 Ep302 Scoutmasterriley.mp3
51.01.26 Ep303 Engagedtotwowomen.mp3
51.02.09 Ep305 Charlestondancelessons.mp3
51.02.16 Ep306 Riley'scaseofnerves.mp3
51.03.30 Ep311 Rileytherentcollector.mp3
51.04.06 Ep312 Oldmanriley.mp3
51.04.13 Civil Service Test.mp3
51.04.20 Ep314 Kissinthedark.mp3
51.04.27 Ep315 Babsmovesout.mp3
51.05.11 Ep317 Blackchiffonnightgown.mp3
51.05.18 Ep318 Soapboxderby.mp3
51.06.01 Ep320 Rileyandtheballet.mp3
[[DVD OTR Note]]
The radio version, starring William Bendix, debuted on ABC in 1944; the following year it moved to NBC, where it ran until 1951. Later, the show was adapted for television, with two different versions having been produced.
Includes 252 Episodes!
Episodes On This DVD:
00.00.00 Haunted House.mp3
00.00.00 Leaking Roof.mp3
00.00.00 Lecture.mp3
00.00.00 New House Plans.mp3
00.00.00 Riley Visits A Haunted House.mp3
00.00.00 Roswell Ad5.mp3
00.00.00 Sisterengagedtoagambler.mp3
44.01.30 Ep003 Thebutlerpt2.mp3
44.09.24 Ep037 Jealous(Warbulletin).mp3
44.10.08 Ep039 Muley'ssurprisepartyforriley.mp3
44.10.22 Ep041 Boss'sson - In - Law.mp3
44.10.29 Ep042 Halloweenhauntedhouse.mp3
44.11.05 Ep043 Pianolessonsforjunior.mp3
44.11.12 Ep044 Bigfootballbet.mp3
44.11.19 Ep045 Turkeyhunt.mp3
44.11.26 Ep046 Bridesmaidbabs.mp3
44.12.03 Ep047 Mostpopularboy.mp3
44.12.17 Ep049 Specialchristmaspresent.mp3
45.01.07 Silver Gloves Boxing Tournament.mp3
45.01.14 Ep052 Thewatch.mp3
45.01.21 Ep054 Riley'sconsciencebothershim.mp3
45.02.25 Englishtest.mp3
45.03.04 Ep060 Expectantfathers.mp3
45.03.18 Ep062 Rileytriestobecomeapaltojunior.mp3
45.03.25 Ep063 Missingfivedollars.mp3
45.05.13 Ep069 Riley'smother - In - Lawvisits.mp3
45.09.08 Ep077 Lay - Offs.mp3
45.09.15 Ep078 Feudwithnewneighboroverjunior'sgoat.mp3
45.09.22 Ep079 Juniorquitsschool.mp3
45.10.20 Ep083 Peg'soldboyfriendhouseguest.mp3
45.11.24 Ep088 Babsandsimonmarried.mp3
45.12.01 Ep089 Bplalodgeelection.mp3
45.12.08 Ep090 Jobpromotionexam.mp3
45.12.15 Ep091 Grandma'sboyfriendcaptainriley.mp3
46.03.16 Ep104 Rileybuysinsurancepolicy.mp3
46.04.06 Ep107 Rileyfindsfurcoat.mp3
46.04.13 Ep108 Breadshortage.mp3
46.04.20 Ep109 Gianteasterbunny.mp3
46.04.27 Ep110 Gamblingdoesn'tpay.mp3
46.05.04 Ep111 Rileystakeinthegillises.mp3
46.05.11 Ep112 Juniorforgetsmother'sday.mp3
46.05.25 Ep114 Juniorsellspeanutsatthecircus.mp3
46.06.01 Ep115 Shoplifter.mp3
46.06.08 Ep116 Thebreadshortageandtheblackmarket.mp3
46.06.15 Ep117 Newsuitforfather'sday.mp3
46.09.07 Ep121 Thepaperroutecontest.mp3
46.09.14 Ep122 Peg'sjob.mp3
46.09.21 Ep123 Rileyhidesonboat.mp3
46.10.05 Ep125 Goodneighborweek.mp3
46.10.19 Ep127 Rileysuesbuscompany.mp3
46.10.26 Ep128 Jobinsouthamerica.mp3
46.11.09 Ep130 Campingtrip.mp3
46.11.23 Ep132 Footballheroforthenightclub.mp3
46.11.30 Ep133 Medicaladvicefromhorsedoctor.mp3
46.12.24 Lifeofriley Christmas.mp3
47.01.11 Ep139 Efficiencyexpert.mp3
47.01.18 Ep140 Rileysimonbusinesspartners.mp3
47.01.25 Ep141 Riley'shoneymoon.mp3
47.02.01 Ep142 Rileyswitchedatbirth.mp3
47.02.08 Ep143 Riley'sbirthdayforgotten.mp3
47.03.15 Ep148 Simonwritesforthenewspaper.mp3
47.03.22 Ep149 Rileythemilkman.mp3
47.03.29 Ep150 Newchairman.mp3
47.04.05 Ep151 Rileythechildbeater.mp3
47.04.12 Ep152 Marriagedoubts.mp3
47.04.19 Ep153 Mysteryfight.mp3
47.04.26 Ep154 Waiterblackmailsriley.mp3
47.05.03 Ep155 Launchingbabsintosociety.mp3
47.05.10 Ep156 Mother'sdayspeech.mp3
47.05.31 Ep159 Accidentinsurancepolicy.mp3
47.06.07 Ep160 Rileycourtspegatsummercamp.mp3
47.06.14 Ep161 Soapboxderby.mp3
47.09.06 Ep165 Rileyenrolls.mp3
47.09.20 Ep167 Juniorwantstorunaway.mp3
47.09.27 Ep168 Venuswitharadioinherstomach.mp3
47.10.04 Ep169 Rileygetsapromotion.mp3
47.10.11 Ep170 Rileythecop.mp3
47.10.18 Ep171 Thecommunitychestdrive.mp3
47.10.25 Ep172 Theragamuffinball.mp3
47.11.01 Picking Football Team.mp3
47.11.08 Ep174 Junior&Babsputonanniversaryparty.mp3
47.11.15 Ep175 Rileyinschoolplay.mp3
47.11.29 Ep177 Foreman'sjob.mp3
47.12.06 Ep178 Greatestmaniknow.mp3
47.12.13 Ep179 Babsisblackballedatsorority.mp3
47.12.20 Ep180 Firstchristmasinstorewindow.mp3
47.12.27 Ep181 Familychristmaspresent.mp3
48.01.03 Ep182 Rileygetsjuniortwodates.mp3
48.01.10 Ep183 Women'sequalrights.mp3
48.01.17 Ep184 Telephoneisrationed.mp3
48.01.24 Babs Quits School.mp3
48.01.31 Uncle Baxter Moves In.mp3
48.02.07 Father And Son Banquet.mp3
48.02.21 Tells Peg A Lie.mp3
48.02.28 Babs' Sweet 16 Birthday.mp3
48.03.06 Ep191 Rileypuncheshisforeman.mp3
48.03.20 Ep193 Suggestioncontest.mp3
48.03.27 Ep194 Gianteasterbunnyfertilizer.mp3
48.04.03 Ep195 Juveniledelinquency.mp3
48.04.10 Ep196 Pegstudiesfrench.mp3
48.04.17 Ep197 Drive.mp3
48.05.01 Ep199 Baseballuniform.mp3
48.05.08 Ep200 Mother'sdaypresentexplained.mp3
48.05.15 Ep201 Rileymanofdistinction.mp3
48.06.12 Ep205 Bab'sgraduation.mp3
48.06.19 Ep206 Father'sdaybathrobes.mp3
48.06.26 Ep207 Vacationonprisonfarm.mp3
48.09.03 Ep209 Rileymeetsclemkadiddlehopper.mp3
48.09.10 Ep210 Thehouseholddrudge.mp3
48.10.08 How To Pick A Mate.mp3
48.10.15 Ep215 Rileycampaigns.mp3
48.10.22 Ep216 Problemchild.mp3
48.11.05 Ep218 Comicbooks.mp3
48.11.12 Ep219 Riley'stonsilectomy.mp3
48.11.26 Ep220 Bab'selderlyboyfriend.mp3
48.12.03 Ep222 Tryingtogetfootballtickets.mp3
48.12.10 Ep223 Riley'sjiltedsistervisits.mp3
49.01.07 Ep227 Rileycoachesjunior'steam.mp3
49.01.28 Ep230 Quieteveningbythefireside.mp3
49.02.04 Ep231 Rileytalksinhissleepaboutgertrude.mp3
49.02.11 Ep232 Babselopessellscardswithsimon.mp3
49.02.18 Ep233 Avalentine'sdaylocketfrommonihan.mp3
49.03.04 Ep235 Therileysareguestsofuniversal.mp3
49.03.11 Ep236 Thewirerecorder.mp3
49.04.01 Ep239 Rileywon'tletpeghelp.mp3
49.04.22 Ep242 Juniortakestheblameforriley.mp3
49.04.29 Ep243 Rileygoestowar.mp3
49.04.29 Riley Is Fired.mp3
49.05.06 Ep244 Babsleaveshome.mp3
49.05.13 Ep245 Gillisandrileyarelonely.mp3
49.05.20 Ep246 Juniorhashisowndeliverybusiness.mp3
49.05.27 Ep247 Junior&Egbertleaveforcamp.mp3
49.10.14 Ep249 Thegeigercounter.mp3
49.10.21 Ep250 Thepolicemanboarder.mp3
49.10.28 Ep251 Televisionsetona10dayfreetrial.mp3
49.11.04 Ep252 Theexpectantfather.mp3
49.11.11 Community Chest Drive.mp3
49.11.18 Ep254 Theescortbureau.mp3
49.12.02 Ep256 Rileythebookie.mp3
49.12.09 Babs And The Stevenson's.mp3
49.12.23 Ep259 Christmasclub.mp3
49.12.30 Ep260 Rileydrivescab.mp3
50.01.27 Ep264 Juniorisinlove.mp3
50.02.17 Ep267 Rileyquits.mp3
50.03.03 Ep269 Rileybecomesanactorontv.mp3
50.03.03 Riley Becomes An Actor On Tv.mp3
50.03.31 The Politeness Story.mp3
50.10.13 Ep288 Trafficcourt.mp3
50.10.20 Ep289 Collectionagency.mp3
50.11.03 Ep291 Babs'elopement.mp3
50.11.17 Ep293 Riley'sfirstdateflashback.mp3
50.11.24 Ep294 Studentriot.mp3
50.12.01 Ep295 Troubleswithnewforeman.mp3
50.12.08 Thelawnmowercompany.mp3
50.12.15 Ep297 Peggoestowork.mp3
50.12.22 Ep298 Babybabsisallergictoriley.mp3
51.01.05 Ep300 Peg'sfathervisits.mp3
51.01.12 Ep301 Anniversarytiff.mp3
51.01.19 Ep302 Scoutmasterriley.mp3
51.01.26 Ep303 Engagedtotwowomen.mp3
51.02.09 Ep305 Charlestondancelessons.mp3
51.02.16 Ep306 Riley'scaseofnerves.mp3
51.03.30 Ep311 Rileytherentcollector.mp3
51.04.06 Ep312 Oldmanriley.mp3
51.04.13 Civil Service Test.mp3
51.04.20 Ep314 Kissinthedark.mp3
51.04.27 Ep315 Babsmovesout.mp3
51.05.11 Ep317 Blackchiffonnightgown.mp3
51.05.18 Ep318 Soapboxderby.mp3
51.06.01 Ep320 Rileyandtheballet.mp3
[[DVD OTR Note]]
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