Serenade in Blue is a show created by the US Air Force to encourage civilians to join the Air Force and slip into their Air Force blues. A Serenade in Blue was written, produced, performed by men in blue. It featured three top-notch Air Force bands: The Air Force Strings, Symphony in Blue, and the big band sound of Airmen of Note. “Men who wear the Air Force blue bring you A Serenade in Blue.”
Includes 4 Episodes On 1 MP3 CD-R!
Show File List:
Serenade In Blue 590825 – Program 439 [392].mp3
Serenade In Blue 590901 – Program 440 [392].mp3
Serenade In Blue 591020 – Program 447 [389].mp3
Serenade In Blue 591027 – Program 448 [389].mp3
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