Includes 98 Episodes![/n]
Episodes On This CD:
00.00.00 Wahine Tahiti.mp3
47.06.08 Nothing Behind The Door.mp3
47.06.15 Ep002 Ihavebeenlookingforyou.mp3
47.06.22 Ep003 We Were Here First.mp3
47.06.29 Ep004 The Ticket Taker2.mp3
47.07.20 Ep005 Cornelia2.mp3
47.07.27 Ep006 I Remembertomorrow.mp3
47.08.03 Ep007 Inquest.mp3
47.08.10 Ep008 Bringmetolife.mp3
47.09.10 Ep014 How Are You Pal3.mp3
47.09.22 Ep016 Beagooddogdarling Partial.mp3
47.10.06 Not Enough Time.mp3
47.10.13 Ep019 Cameraobscura.mp3
47.10.27 Ep021 Don’ttellmeabouthalloween.mp3
47.11.03 Ep022 Takemeouttothegraveyard.mp3
47.11.10 Ep023 Three.mp3
47.11.17 Ep024 Killmeagain.mp3
47.11.24 Ep025 Inmemoryofbernadine.mp3
47.12.01 Ep026 Come In Eddie2.mp3
47.12.08 Ep027 Somepeopledontdie.mp3
47.12.15 Ep028 Littlefellow.mp3
47.12.29 Ep30 Rain On New Year’s Eve.mp3
48.01.05 Ep031 Littlevisitor.mp3
48.01.12 Ep032 The Room Where The Ghosts Live.mp3
48.01.19 Ep033 Bakers Dozen.mp3
48.01.26 Ep34 Green Light.mp3
48.01.26 Green Light.mp3
48.02.02 Ep035 Pathetic Fallacy.mp3
48.02.09 Ep036 Aredandwhiteguidon1.mp3
48.02.16 Ep037 Whence You Came.mp3
48.02.23 Ep038 Wearthedeadmanscoat.mp3
48.03.01 Ep039 Sketchforascreenplay.mp3
48.03.08 Ep040 Never Send To Know .mp3
48.03.22 Ep042 A Night To Forget.mp3
48.03.29 Ep043 Quietplease.mp3
48.04.05 Ep044 Ialwaysmarryjuliet .mp3
48.04.12 Ep045 Twelvetofive.mp3
48.04.19 Ep046 Clarissa.mp3
48.04.28 Ep047 13 And 8 .mp3
48.05.03 Ep048 Howbeautifuluponthemountain.mp3
48.05.10 Ep049 Thereareshadowshere.mp3
48.05.17 Ep050 Gem Of Purest Ray.mp3
48.05.24 Ep051 Inthehousewhereiwasborn.mp3
48.06.14 Ep054 Notresponsibleafter30years .mp3
48.06.28 Ep055 Letthelilliesconsider1.mp3
48.07.19 Ep057 Aslongasilive.mp3
48.07.26 Ep058 Themanwhostoleaplanet.mp3
48.08.02 Ep059 It’slaterthanyouthink.mp3
48.08.09 Ep060 Thethingonthefourbleboard.mp3
48.08.16 Ep061 Presto – Change – O.mp3
48.08.23 Ep062 3000words.mp3
48.09.06 Ep062 Thethirdmansstory.mp3
48.09.06 Ep064 Thethirdman’s Story.mp3
48.09.13 Ep65 Symphony In D Minor.mp3
48.09.13 Symphony In D Minor.mp3
48.09.19 Ep066 Anonymous.mp3
48.09.26 Ep067 Light The Lamp Forme .mp3
48.10.03 Ep068 Meet John Smith.mp3
48.10.03 Meet John Smith.mp3
48.10.10 Ep069 Beezerscellar.mp3
48.10.17 Ep070 And Jeannie Dreams Of Me.mp3
48.10.24 Ep071 Goodghost.mp3
48.10.31 Ep072 Callingallsouls.mp3
48.11.07 Ep073 Adamandthedarkestday.mp3
48.11.14 Ep74 The Evening And The Morning.mp3
48.11.14 The Evening And The Morning.mp3
48.11.21 Ep075 Oneforthebook.mp3
48.11.28 Ep076 Mysonjohn.mp3
48.12.05 Ep077 Veryunimportantperson.mp3
48.12.26 Berlin1945.mp3
49.01.02 Ep081 Thetimeofthebigsnow.mp3
49.01.09 Ep082 Portraitofacharacter.mp3
49.01.16 Ep083 Isthismurder.mp3
49.01.23 Ep084 Summergoodbye.mp3
49.01.30 Ep85 Northern Lights.mp3
49.01.30 Northern Lights.mp3
49.02.06 Ep086 Taptheheatbogdan.mp3
49.02.13 Ep087 Valentine.mp3
49.02.20 Ep088 Wheredoyougetyourideas.mp3
49.02.27 Ep089 Ifishoulddiebeforeiwake.mp3
49.03.06 Ep090 Themanwhokneweverything.mp3
49.03.13 Ep091 Darkrosaleen.mp3
49.03.20 Ep092 Thesmellofhighwines.mp3
49.03.27 Ep093 Atimetobeborn .mp3
49.04.10 Ep095 Dialogueforatragedy.mp3
49.04.17 Ep096 The Shadow Of The Wings.mp3
49.04.24 Ep097 Thevaleofglencoe.mp3
49.05.01 Dark Gray Magic.mp3
49.05.01 Ep98 Dark Gray Magic.mp3
49.05.08 Ep99 The Other Side Of The Stars.mp3
49.05.08 The Other Side Of The Stars.mp3
49.05.15 Ep100 Thelittlemorning .mp3
49.05.22 Ep101 Theoldestmanintheworld.mp3
49.05.28 Ep102 Inthehousewhereiwasborn.mp3
49.06.04 Ep103 Tanglefoot.mp3
49.06.11 The Hat The Bed And John J Catherine.mp3
49.06.18 Ep105 Pavenne.mp3
49.10.31 Ep072 Callingallsouls.mp3
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