People Are Funny is an American radio and television game show, created by John Guedel that ran from 1942 to 1960 in which contestants were asked to carry out stunts in order to prove that “People Are Funny.” Many of these stunts lasted weeks, months, or even years. But contestants who were successful received prizes. “People Are Funny” rarely had celebrities, focusing instead on everyday people. As a result, few recordings of the show were saved.
The series began in 1938 when Guedel made an audition recording, and the following year, his concept of a comedy stunt show aired in Los Angeles as Pull Over, Neighbor, later reworked into All Aboard. Watching a bored, unreceptive audience listening to an after-dinner speaker, Guedel scribbled, “People are funny, aren’t they?” on a napkin, and he had his title.
In 1942, learning of a show that was canceled, he pitched People Are Funny to NBC, and it went on the air April 10, 1942, with Art Baker as host. In a popular first-season stunt, a man was assigned to register a trained seal at the Knickerbocker Hotel while explaining that the seal was his girlfriend.
On October 1, 1943, Baker was replaced by Art Linkletter, who continued for the rest of the series. For a memorable stunt of 1945, Linkletter announced that $1,000 would go to the first person to find one of 12 plastic balls floating off California. Two years later, an Ennylageban Island native claimed the prize.
As the popularity of the program escalated, a movie musical titled People Are Funny was released in 1946, offering a fictional version of the show’s origin in a tale of rival radio producers. Phillip Reed appeared as Guedel, with Linkletter and Frances Langford portraying themselves. Also in the cast were Jack Haley, Helen Walker, Ozzie Nelson and Rudy Vallée. One outstanding moment in the film is a Spanish dance number performed by Lupe Mayorga (aka Lillian Molieri) to the song “I Love My Marimba.”
The radio series moved to CBS from 1951 to 1954, returning to NBC from 1954 to 1960.
Includes 31 Episodes!
Episode File List:
PAF500131 – Cinderella Girl – Part 2.mp3
PAF500207 – Cinderella Girl – Part 3.mp3
PAF500207 – Goat’s Milk [397].mp3
PAF500214 – Cinderella Girl – Part 4.mp3
PAF500214 – Movie Star and Husband [397].mp3
PAF500919 – 1st Show of 10th Season [397].mp3
PAF520106 – Giving Away Frogs.mp3
PAF520113 – Violinist Plays for Money.mp3
PAF530310 – Guests Dick Haymes and Freddy Martin [397].mp3
PAF530317 – Guest Freddy Martin [397].mp3
PAF531013 – Scare Away Tax Collector [397].mp3
PAF531020 – Where Is Your Husband Tonight [397].mp3
PAF540105 – The Con Man (Part 1) [397].mp3
PAF540112 – The Con Man (Part 2) [397].mp3
PAF5410xx – Could You Buy a Hamburger [397].mp3
PAF54xxxx – Free Mink Stole [397].mp3
PAF55xxxx – Dancing with Three Men [235].mp3
PAF560117 – Whos Smarter Republicans Or Demo(1 [397].mp3
PAF560124 – Mental Telepathy [397].mp3
PAF560214 – Beliefs.mp3
PAF560221 – Fib White Lie And A Whopper [397].mp3
PAF580716 – Two Times Two Is Four [397].mp3
PAF580723 – People Making Up Their Minds [397].mp3
PAF580924 – Is There A King In The House [397].mp3
PAF581001 – Quickest Way To Borrow Money [397].mp3
PAF5xxxxx – Boys and Dogs.mp3
PAF5xxxxx – Getting People Ready for a Wedding.mp3
PAF600513 – Tammy Merrihue Part 1.mp3
PAF600520 – Tammy Merrihue Part 2.mp3
PAFxxxxxx – Episode 159 [480].mp3
PAFxxxxxx – Title Unknown [236].mp3
[[OTR Notes]]
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