Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy was a radio adventure series which maintained its popularity from 1933 to 1951. The program originated at WBBM in Chicago on July 31, 1933, and was later carried on CBS, then NBC and finally ABC. The storylines centered around the globe-trotting adventures of Armstrong (played by Jim Ameche until 1938), a popular athlete at Hudson High School, his friends Billy Fairfield and his sister Betty, and their “Uncle Jim,” James Fairfield, an industrialist. Frequently, “Uncle Jim” Fairfield would have to visit an exotic part of the world in connection with his business, and he would take Jack Armstrong and the Fairfield siblings along with him. Many of the adventures provided listeners with the equivalent of a travelogue, providing facts about the lands they were visiting. The show was created by writer Robert Hardy Andrews.
Includes 131 Episodes!
Episodes On This CD:
00.00.00 Ep001 Sspelicanafire.mp3
00.00.00 Ep002 Jacktotakelinetopelican.mp3
00.00.00 Ep003 Jackgetslinetopelican.mp3
00.00.00 Ep004 Rescuesallpelicancrew.mp3
40.09.27 Ep1515 Easter Island Adventure.mp3
40.09.30 Ep1516 Uncle Jim’s Office Is Ransacked.mp3
40.10.01 Ep1517 Trailing Dirk To The Airport.mp3
40.10.02 Ep1518 Plotting To Steal The Chart.mp3
40.10.03 Ep1519 Dirk And Blackbeard Steal A Letter.mp3
40.10.07 Ep1521 Flight To San Francisco.mp3
40.10.08 Ep1522 Strange Visitor On The Schooner.mp3
40.10.09 Ep1523 Mysterious Token From Prof Loring.mp3
40.10.10 Ep1524 Jack And Billy Escape From The Police.mp3
40.10.11 Ep1525 Betty Hears Footsteps.mp3
40.10.14 Ep1526 Blackbeard Becomes An Ally.mp3
40.10.17 Ep1529 Jack Is Swept Overboard.mp3
40.10.18 Ep1530 Fire Breaks Out On The Spindrift.mp3
40.10.28 Ep1536 Arriving In The Philippines.mp3
40.10.29 Ep1537 Warning Of The Power Of The Ring.mp3
40.11.04 Ep1541 Close To The Breakers.mp3
40.11.05 Ep1542 Spindrift Rescued Yates Escapes.mp3
40.11.08 Ep1545 Jack And Billy Trail Yates.mp3
40.11.13 Ep1548 Hostile Moros Attack The Vintas.mp3
40.11.14 Ep1549 Protected By The Magic Ring.mp3
40.11.15 Ep1550 Hostile Moros Attack The Village.mp3
40.11.18 Ep1551 Spindrift Arrives In Manila.mp3
40.11.19 Ep1552 Suprise Visit To The Black Shark.mp3
40.11.20 Ep1553 Suspicious Message From Uncle Jim.mp3
40.11.21 Ep1554 Searching For Uncle Jim.mp3
40.11.22 Ep1555 Uncle Jim Outsmarts Blackbeard.mp3
40.11.25 Ep1556 Back To The Spindrift.mp3
40.11.26 Ep1557 Dr Shupato Finds The Chart And Ring.mp3
40.11.27 Ep1558 A Henchman Escapes With The Ring.mp3
40.11.28 Ep1559 Jack And Billy Are Captured.mp3
40.11.29 Ep1560 Jack And Billy Turn The Tables.mp3
40.12.02 Ep1561 Pursued Into The Jungle.mp3
40.12.03 Ep1562 Car Stalls In The Stream.mp3
40.12.04 Ep1563 On To The Land Of The Headhunters.mp3
40.12.05 Ep1564 Negritos With Poison Arrows Watch.mp3
40.12.06 Ep1565 Car Is Blocked By Landslide.mp3
40.12.09 Ep1566 Slide Sends Car Down Mountainside.mp3
40.12.10 Ep1567 Blackbeard Is Climbing Down.mp3
40.12.11 Ep1568 Jack Billy And Michelle Persue.mp3
40.12.12 Ep1569 Into An Abandoned Mine.mp3
40.12.13 Ep1570 Escaping Through Tunnels.mp3
40.12.16 Ep1571 Jack Waylays Luzaro And Shupato.mp3
40.12.17 Ep1572 Into Headhunter Country.mp3
40.12.18 Ep1573 On The Trail Of Sgt Romero.mp3
40.12.19 Ep1574 Surrounded By Headhunters.mp3
40.12.20 Ep1575 Trapped In The Cave Of The Mummies.mp3
40.12.23 Ep1576 A Stowaway On The Spindrift.mp3
40.12.24 Ep1577 Escape From Manila Bay.mp3
40.12.25 Ep1578 Stalked By The Black Shark.mp3
40.12.26 Ep1579 Fighting Off The Typhoon To Escape.mp3
40.12.27 Ep1580 The Spindrifts Sail Is Destroyed.mp3
40.12.30 Ep1581 Safe Arrival In The Sulu Sea.mp3
40.12.31 Ep1582 Preparing To Dive For The U 235.mp3
41.01.01 Ep1583 Diving To Search For The Ship.mp3
41.01.02 Ep1584 Trapped In The Captains Cabin.mp3
41.01.03 Ep1585 Conclusion Escape With The Uranium.mp3
41.01.06 Ep1586 A Clue To Prof Loring.mp3
41.01.07 Ep1587 Spice Peddler Has An Unusual Watch.mp3
41.01.08 Ep1588 Yates The Traitor Returns.mp3
41.01.09 Ep1589 Yates Searches The Spindrift.mp3
41.01.10 Ep1590 Michelle Is Kidnapped.mp3
41.01.13 Ep1591 The Journey Up The Jungle Trail.mp3
41.01.14 Ep1592 Tribesmen Converge.mp3
41.01.15 Ep1593 Tribesmen Have Hostile Chief.mp3
41.01.16 Ep1594 The Chief And The Talking Horse.mp3
41.01.17 Ep1595 Who Is The Moro Peddler.mp3
41.01.20 Ep1596 The Magic Horse Speaks Again.mp3
41.01.21 Ep1597 Malua Leads The Search For Rifles.mp3
41.01.22 Ep1598 Jack And Billy Decieve Persuers.mp3
41.01.23 Ep1599 Attacked By The Tamarou.mp3
41.01.24 Ep1600 A Flashlight In The Darkness.mp3
41.01.27 Ep1601 Yates Captuers Betty And Billy.mp3
41.01.28 Ep1602 Michelle Is Sent For Help.mp3
41.01.29 Ep1603 Climbing Toward The Guarded Cave.mp3
41.01.30 Ep1604 Leading The Moro Into A Trap.mp3
41.01.31 Ep1605 A Sentry At The Entrance To Cave.mp3
41.02.03 Ep1606 Into The Secret Tunnel.mp3
41.02.04 Ep1607 Jack And Billy Meet A Stranger.mp3
41.02.05 Ep1608 Finding Lt Rawlings In The Cave.mp3
41.02.06 Ep1609 Trapped In The Cave By Karangs Men.mp3
41.03.05 Ep1628 Up The River After Prof Loring.mp3
41.03.06 Ep1629 Jack Rescues Whisper.mp3
41.03.07 Ep1630 The Vinta Is Stopped By The Current.mp3
41.03.10 Ep1631 A Hail Of Stones And Arrows.mp3
41.03.11 Ep1632 Planning To Confront The Medicine Man.mp3
41.03.12 Ep1633 Planning To Enter The Temple Of Kalana.mp3
41.03.13 Ep1634 Entering The Temple Of Kalana.mp3
41.03.14 Ep1635 The Medicine Man Finds The Radio.mp3
41.03.17 Ep1636 Moro Messenger Brings Tidings.mp3
41.03.18 Ep1637 Finding Prof Loring At Last.mp3
42.04.20 Landofthesky.mp3
42.04.21 The Cave Of The Glacier.mp3
42.05.06 Stealing The Ruby.mp3
43.08.07 Counterfeit Ration Stamps Are Stolen.mp3
44.01.17 Headhuntersstartwar.mp3
44.01.25 Amphibianfireoverjungle.mp3
44.01.26 Spider’slairspotted.mp3
44.01.27 Bettyandbillyinquicksand.mp3
44.02.02 Diamondsinspider’splane.mp3
45.00.00 Themutineers.mp3
47.07.08 Theflyingsaucer.mp3
48.03.11 Clear The Tracks.mp3
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