Abbott and Costello were an American comedy duo whose work in radio, film, and television made them one of the most popular and respected teams in comedy history. Their “Who’s on First?” routine, developed during their years in burlesque, is widely considered to be one of the greatest comedy sketches of all time.
Over 80 Episodes!
Episodes On This CD:
00.00.00 (Unknown – 1).mp3
00.00.00 (Unknown – 2).mp3
00.00.00 Attheraces.mp3
00.00.00 Attheranch.mp3
00.00.00 Bank Robbery.mp3
00.00.00 Christmasprogram.mp3
00.00.00 Costello The Stunt Man.mp3
00.00.00 Costello’s Horse Peanut Butter.mp3
00.00.00 Costellohasacold.mp3
00.00.00 Costellojoinsthemerchantmarines.mp3
00.00.00 Father’sday.mp3
00.00.00 Girls, Girls, Girls.mp3
00.00.00 Gold Ore.mp3
00.00.00 Guestbertgordon.mp3
00.00.00 Guestjudycanova.mp3
00.00.00 Kidsprogramwithredrider.mp3
00.00.00 Laugh.mp3
00.00.00 Lou Builds A House Fro.mp3
00.00.00 Louisadelegatetotheun.mp3
00.00.00 Niagra Falls.mp3
00.00.00 Room & Board.mp3
00.00.00 Shootin’ Dice.mp3
00.00.00 Susquehana Hat Company.mp3
00.00.00 Susquehannahatcompany.mp3
00.00.00 The Shell Game Skit.mp3
00.00.00 Upanddown.mp3
00.00.00 Variety Show.mp3
00.00.00 With The Great Gildersleeve.mp3
00.00.00 Withlindadarnell.mp3
40.03.20 Lionhunting.mp3
41.09.21 Bergen & Mcarthy Wc Fields.mp3
42.05.11 Lousubsforjoedimaggio.mp3
42.10.15 Bankrobbery.mp3
42.11.19 Knightsinshiningarmor.mp3
43.03.16 At The Circus With Alan Hale.mp3
43.11.18 Guests Bugs Bunny & Lucille Ball.mp3
43.11.25 Formalthanksgivingdinnerparty.mp3
43.12.02 Trip To Palm Springs.mp3
43.12.09 English Butler With Arthur Treacher.mp3
43.12.16 The Wild West With Lynn Bari.mp3
43.12.30 The Lawyer With Bert Gordon.mp3
44.0.26 Matrimonial Agency.mp3
44.01.06 Lou’s Engaged To Judy Canova.mp3
44.01.13 Guest Peter Lorre.mp3
44.01.20 Withthegreatgildersleeve.mp3
44.02.10 Charles Laughton.mp3
44.02.17 With Dorothy Lamour.mp3
44.02.24 Hedda Hopper.mp3
44.03.02 Blondie & Dagwood.mp3
44.03.09 Snowwhitewithblondieanddagwood.mp3
44.06.06 Who’s on first.mp3
44.06.18 Costellobuysgiftsforcast.mp3
44.11.09 Costello Buy’s A Horse.mp3
44.12.07 Visit To Tin Pan Alley.mp3
44.12.14 Christmas Shopping.mp3
44.12.14 Christmasshopping.mp3
45,04,26 Guest – Andrewssisters.mp3
45.01.25 Merchant Marines.mp3
45.02.01 Stolen Oranges.mp3
45.02.15 Guestrudyvallee.mp3
45.03.08 Newpressagent.mp3
45.05.03 Spanish Acting School.mp3
45.06.07 Costello Gets A Tatoo.mp3
45.06.07 Costellogetsatattoo.mp3
45.06.28 Return To Patterson.mp3
45.11.15 Lou Hides From His Girlfriend.mp3
45.11.29 Opening A Gas Station.mp3
45.12.06 Lou The Fireman.mp3
45.12.20 Christmasparty.mp3
45.12.27 Costello’s Beauty Shop.mp3
46.04.25 The Sheriff Of North Hollywood.mp3
47.03.13 Lougoestoracetracktolosemoney.mp3
47.04.10 Nuts And Bolts.mp3
47.04.17 Thebaseballplayer.mp3
47.04.24 Loubuildsahouse.mp3
47.06.18 Who’s On First.mp3
47.06.19 Lou Joins The New York Yankees.mp3
47.12.24 Christmasprogram.mp3
48.03.10 Costello Pays Income Tax.mp3
48.05.05 Guest Bella Lugosi.mp3
48.12.12 Hunting.mp3
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